The life is like a forest. Its mysterious, deep, beautiful, serene, dangerous, funny, delicate and inter-twined with the existence of all in the forest at the same time. A human life biggest value/asset is freedom that comes from being able to choose.
Like it or not, want it or not, life has to be lived by a set of beliefs. These beliefs can come to us through our culture, religion, peers, family, society and so many other myriad of spheres. Till the time these beliefs work in our favour/are coherent with what we feel inside we are ok in living by them. There are times though that the beliefs are not coherent with our internal tendencies or they may not be helping us achieve what is claimed we can achieve by following them. That is the time one starts to question the self, the society and also where one is going wrong. The only way to transform any recurring problem is to change the way we look at the issue. Only with a new thought arises a new way to be.
In our life skills sessions, we have chosen some core areas of life which need a deeper and universal perspective than just a contextual belief. We want to bring a transformation through awareness of the universal truths as applicable in each of the life areas.
Peace and contentment are the beginning of meditation. Meditation is a state where one sits deep inside oneself free of the outside world turbulence. Though a seeker starts from a scattered and restless state of mind, one slowly starts experiencing peace and contentment with in. Real state of meditation occurs when you carry your centredness every moment in your life. We learn practical ways of centring ourselves in these sessions.
The eternal conflict between the husband and wife is the spice of this workshop. We all many times feel that we can’t live with our spouse and we can’t live without our spouse. Wives constantly complaint why the men don’t understand emotions. Husbands are eternally petrified with the idea of what’s going on in their wife’s mind and how to handle her emotional outbursts. Women feel men don’t give them enough attention and men feel that women want so much attention all the time which is a daunting task. In the bottom line, we do not know how our spouse thinks and behaves.
This workshop aims at making this bridge between you and your spouse. We all have a male brain and a female brain inside us. There is a whole spectrum of shades of this male and female energy in each of us. Once we understand how the male brain is wired and how the female brain is wired, we can understand ourselves as well as our spouse better. Once we know what is happening in us, we can easily work out the ways of making the relationship more amicable and intimate at a mental level too.
Learn the tricks and treats of the male and female brain-the yin & yang which is there in a unique combination in each of us. This understanding shall help in not only making relationship with your spouse more friendly and cosy, you shall also understand the secret of making all kind of relationships better.
Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed and perplexed when your child refuses to listen or engages in arguments with you?
The journey of raising children is undeniably rewarding, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. In our rapidly evolving world, where technological advancements and social media dominate, it can be daunting for parents to keep pace with the changing dynamics. The transition from joint to nuclear families and the swift physical and physiological transformations occurring in our children further complicates matters,
Amidst these transformations and challenges, parents often find themselves feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. In our attempts to navigate these complexities, we may inadvertently resort to controlling our children, leading to strained relationships and communication breakdowns. If you resonate with these struggles and seek a solution, our program is tailored for you.
“Parenting the Parents” is a comprehensive and interactive learning program designed to equip parents with fundamental principles of effective parenting as we believe that Parenting is a profound journey that involves nurturing and guiding the development of a child, fostering not only their physical well-being but also their emotional and cognitive growth. It is a delicate balance of providing love, support, and boundaries, as well as instilling essential values that shape a child’s character. Effective parenting requires active engagement, open communication, and adaptability to the ever-changing needs of the child at different stages of their life. It is a continuous process of learning and growing together as a family, especially for the parents, creating a positive and nurturing environment where a child can thrive and discover their unique potential. The significance of parental influence cannot be overstated, as it lays the foundation for a child’s future well-being and success, both in relationships and in various aspects of life.
So, if you’re ready to transform the way you approach parenting, join us on this journey of self-discovery and enhanced family dynamics.
We share with you the 7 C’s of ‘Being Natural’
Connectedness – Maitri
Completeness – Wholeness(Poornta)
Curiosity – Spirit of enquiry
Clarity… of Consequences of action
Creativity & Comic… Abundance & Humour
Compassion… Contentment
Conflict… resolution through Awareness
The 7 c’s can be observed in nature. The nature exhibits connectedness. So many different kind of relationships exist in nature prey- predator, symbiotic, indifference etc. the gamut of various possible connections is very wide. It is complete in itself. In nature everything is circular, it’s a cycle of birth death, water cycle etc. It does not need any outside interference to sustain life. The nature holds so many secrets and all life forms discover those slowly in their own ways. Life in all forms is full of spirit of wonderment and curiosity. There is clarity as per the naturalness of the species- a lion will not eat grass even if dying, a rose shall smell like rose only, even if grafted on another plant. Each species in nature follows its action per its clarity of naturalness of who am I. The nature is nothing but deep and sheer creativity, look at all possible life forms and the cosmos i.e. still evolving. The fact that a lion and deer coexist beautifully in a jungle can be taken as a good example of nature’s compassion. The many elements of nature are constantly interacting with each other- water and fire also destroy each other, but in little quantities they also aid each other.
The same values are also inherent in us. The idea of the sessions is to experience the Connectedness – Maitri, Completeness – Wholeness, Curiosity – Spirit of enquiry, Clarity… of Consequences of action, Creativity & Comic… Abundance & Humour, Compassion… Contentment and finally Conflict… resolution through Awareness in us
“Dharma” is really not a scriptural dharma as we currently understand it but the Law of the Cosmos. The principles of Dharma elaborated in the sessions are totally different from the too often explained Dharma. The Dharma exists as a basis for everything to happen as the substratum of life as well as no life, of the beginning and the end too. The concepts don’t belong/elaborate any of the available scriptures or write ups on dharma. The ideas in each session are discussed with pondering questions.
The idea is to find ‘Swa-dharma’, which is the main purpose of the session. The principles elaborated upon in the sessions are available for anyone to observe and validate in nature which created the entire cosmos. Come explore the Cosmic Dharma with us in an experiential way and find your own Dharma in the supreme context.
Bhaiya has written a book on the same concept which is available for order on the home page. (Links to home page to order the book)
Karmanye vadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana I
Ma karmaphalaheturbhurma te sangostvakarmani II – (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse: 47)
Lord Krishna declared in Gita -one can has the right do their Karma and does not have any right on the end result of the Karma. One thus should neither be attached to the fruits as a motive of doing Karma nor should detachment of motive lead to inaction in their Karma.
Who is the doer, what is doer ship? Does the doer really exist or is it all happening due to a larger-than-life phenomenon beyond the doer? What is karma? Do we really accrue Karma? Can one be free of their karma cycles? How can one experience the state as explained above by the Lord? How can we experience freedom through doing? For exploring answer to these questions and many more, join us for a session on Karma.
Lakshmi means the ‘Lakshya-Me’ (I am my first attainable goal). Lakshmi or the goddess of abundance shows the path to the treasure of contentment and creativity(the real knowledge) that lies inside us. The outside world only reflects our inner abundance. Wealth can be touted as any resource that is helping me remove that moment of discomfort. Any wealth that gives me short term comfort or pleasure is maya/illusion. It is short lived.
My real wealth is me – myself. The day we achieve ourselves we drop the feverishness for the outside wealth. We earn joyfully and we drop the yearning. The poverty consciousness in us turns to abundance consciousness.
Asht Lakshmi sessions are targeted to bring up the abundance consciousness in us. The sessions explore the deep creativity and the wealth that resides in us, thus inner abundance ultimately leading to the outer abundance.
You want a community project executed in your neighbourhood and are looking for people who can aid you in more than one way in executing the project. Get in touch with the team. We are here to help. The projects that we can undertake:
• Tree plantation
• Sponsoring education
• Medical treatment
• Community Building projects
• Sessions for school, college, old age homes, orphanages